Walking the Walk

by Jul 24, 2019Reflections

Today I wanted (and needed) to start my day with these four positive affirmations:
1. I have complete control over all of my goals and aspirations.
2. I can be a positive influence on every person I touch, by shaping my attitude around gratitude.
3. I can make positive progress each day if I follow my routine.
4. The more love, happiness, positivity and support that I give, the more I will receive, and the more rewarding my life will be.
Want to hear something crazy?
I didn’t just come up with those.  They are on a small, laminated card that I’ve kept in my wallet since 2013.  
And you know what…there’s a little more to the story:
Q:  How often do I read it? 
A:  Not nearly enough.  Rarely, if I’m honest.
Q:  How often do I live it?
A:  Not nearly enough.  Rarely, if I’m honest.
I want an exceptional life.  I’m sure we all do. 
But here’s the thing:  Having an exceptional life requires being an exceptional person. 
Am I doing the work?  Am I walking the walk? 
It’s one thing to take the time to print out a nice reminder and stuff it in my wallet.  It’s quite another to live it.
Someone once said that actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they want to be.
For whatever those words are ultimately (or ironically) worth, I suspect that’s about right.
Time to walk.

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I'd be honored to share some of my writings with you.  And I hope that some of my perspectives on things like Gratitude, Leadership, Happiness and a Powerful Mindset, might help you on YOUR journey. 

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