You Don’t Have the Balls

For many of us, these are about the most uncertain (and frankly, bizarre) times we can remember. The virus, economic uncertainty, civil unrest and political theater. Events continue to unfold without definitive answers or timelines or solutions, and certainly without real civic leadership.
The question(s) I find myself pondering the most? What’s next?
What should I be doing?…for my business and my career, for my personal finances, for my children’s education…
What should I prepare for, and what actions can I take to mitigate this uncertainty?
The sad truth is that no one really knows. There are no magical crystal balls for us to peer into. No history to learn from. No instruction set to follow. No trusted voice in the darkness.
So what to do?
Big question, right?
Well, if there is no crystal ball available, so that we might see into the future, perhaps it’s time for us to purposely create… our future.
If there is no history to reference, perhaps it’s time to proactively shape…our history.
If there’s no instruction set to follow, perhaps it’s time we set an example for others…to follow.
If there’s no trusted voice in the darkness, perhaps it’s time that we looked inward…to find our own voice.
Perhaps this is a time where we should consider the unknown a blessing.
Perhaps this is a time where we should stop looking for answers, and start creating solutions.
Perhaps this is a time for us all to consider our obligation to become better leaders, in our businesses, our community, our congregations and our families.
Because I think that’s all we can really do. It’s certainly all we can really control.
I can choose to be a better shepherd of my business, and of my family.
I can choose to take personal and financial precautions, without ceasing to live.
I can choose to find ways to serve my community, even if my community is at odds.
I can choose to look beyond this uncertainty, and to base my actions on the only reality that I will accept…a more just and abundant future for the ones that I love.
I can make this choice, every day. I just hope I have the balls.