You’re Wrong. Why? You’re Mean. Wha?

by Jan 12, 2017Reflections

“For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.” – Margaret Heffernan

There is a word I use, and consider, quite a bit: Discourse.

It is simply a synonym for discussion or debate, but I find the word to have more nuance than that. To me…it is a step up from discussion, alluding to a more informed, measured and logical debate. And I believe its use, between two people, is an incredible source of personal and professional growth.


We’ve probably all had a conversation with someone that ended in an emotional and unreasonable fashion. Something like this:

Me: You have a good point, but I’m not sure I agree with you 100%.
Them: You’re mean! Me: Wha? Why? Them: I’m done! (storms away)

OK, slight exaggeration, but I think you get the point.


One of those conversations that you leave, wondering why you can’t have a civil, logical, reasonable and mutually beneficial discussion…without generating negative sentiment or animosity. Those discussions are unfortunate and unproductive, whether at home or in the workplace.

Here’s what I suggest:

Step 1:  If I am wrong, or my conclusions/proposals don’t merit agreement or compromise…show me, teach me.  Don’t simply disagree, and worse yet, walk away upset.

Step 2:  If I find your ideas or proposals to be inadequate, let me explain my reasoning.  Allow the conversation to be about examining the ideas and looking for a mutually respected and beneficial conclusion.

Step 3: Repeat step 1 if necessary.

Step 4: Walk away better people.

Have a good day friends.  Have great debates with great people.  Make memories and find solutions.  Laugh & Grow.

I know I’m ready.

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